Radical Feminist Business Mentor

Dreamweaver, Writer and Virgo

Here to guide the revolutionary-minded to 
success and self actualization in entrepreneurship 
(even in late-stage capitalism)

Here to guide the revolutionary-minded to success and self actualization in entrepreneurship 
(even in late-stage capitalism)

Bring a feminist 
praxis into your work

I’m Cara Kovacs.

I have a background in Intersectional Feminist theory, social work, and storytelling.

I dropped out of grad school at NYU when I realized I was spending more on one year of school than I would make in 18 months as a social worker.

The math did not add up.

Most of us are conditioned to believe the path to financial security is paved by burying ourselves in student debt and getting a paycheck, often at a job we don’t even like.

Entrepreneurship includes risk, but the only person who caps your income and opportunity is you.

I started a wildly profitable business, published a book, launched a top-rated podcast, and now I teach leaders like YOU to create their ideal version of success in entrepreneurship. This has looked like–

Doubling or tripling your revenue into the multi-six and seven-figure range

Launching and scaling the programs that change people’s lives in a BIG way

Creating the business model that enables you to have freedom, financial abundance and impact in the ways you most deeply desire

Creative ideation and strategy support for projects like podcasts, pitching, scaling and more

Rockstar mindset support for all the big feels that come up in that kind of journey

All of this is done with an ethical, feminist framework that reimagines business for the world we are 
co-creating together.

Here we take antiquated, manipulative and patriarchy-rooted business building tactics and apply a critical lens that gets you real business results without relying on manipulative marketing tactics and sales strategies.

We make selling ethical, marketing about relationship-building, wealth acquisition about activism and freedom, and hustle/burnout culture a thing of the past.

Here peace, liberation, and impact are the new profit…and somehow you still make a fuck ton of money.

Oh, we also curse, talk about astrology, and bring our whole selves to the work because authenticity makes it so much more fun.

Consider this space a breath of fresh air in a haze of Instagram-influencing and toxic MLM-y feeling coaching tools.

I will not make you $6-figures in your first 3 months as a practitioner. I will teach you how to build a business that stands the test of time, from changes in the algorithm to our socio-political reality. This is the haven for the Radical Leaders of tomorrow who want to build businesses that stand the test of these present and trying times.

Want to learn how to how to sell your services with
my ethical
sales framework? 

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