Here business
is activism.

And entrepreneurship
is a liberatory practice.

Hi, I’m Cara!

The math did not add up.

Most of us are conditioned to believe the path to
financial security is paved by burying ourselves in student debt and getting a paycheck, often at a job we don’t even like.

Entrepreneurship includes risk, but the only person who caps your income and opportunity is you.

So I started a business, and now I teach others to do the same.

I have an,Intersectional Feminist and Social Work background.
I dropped out of grad school at NYU when I realized I was spending more on
one year of grad school than I would make in 18 months as a social worker. 

Becoming your own boss is a courageous act.
Particularly when you commit to building a value-aligned business that has the power to help people.

I want to see the big dreams of historically marginalized folks made into reality.

Because your success has the power to create generational wealth, healing for your clients, and long-overdue shifts for our society.

Online marketing will have you thinking the path to success is paved with catchy lingo and outdated sales rhetoric. For mission-driven leaders, your mission is your best sales pitch.

Especially when you got into this line of work to help people and change the world…
for you, sharing about that authentically will not only attract your customers more easily, it will feel so much more joyful—because selling and marketing what you love to do
deserves to feel joyful. 

I teach entrepreneurs, coaches and healers how to have the mindset, strategy and spirit of inevitable success so they can create more impact and abundance in their soul-led work. 

I have coached over 500 soul-led leaders to raise $7-figures in capital,
double their business revenue, launch their signature offerings, and build revolutionary business models in a way that brings them more joy, ease, financial freedom, and confidence in the process.

The truth is, I see entrepreneurship as
a liberatory practice.

The greatest financial freedom and security you can create for yourself is to know you can make money regardless of the current climate, how your employer’s company is or isn’t doing, or by being reliant on ineffective systems that were not even designed for your success.

The system best designed for your success is the one you build yourself.

And I want to show you how…

I teach entrepreneurs how to:

Crystalize their mission and their values.

Create the business of their calling-
not just their dreams.

Build business, managerial and team structures that are rooted in service, community care and impact.

Heal from the generational and societal trauma that seeds imposter syndrome, money wounds and all the thoughts that are currently blocking you from success.

Pitch and sell their services and offerings as an extension of their values. (Consider a sales pitch rooted in your passion about your work vs. your anxiety about what the other person is thinking. I teach you how to perfect the former.)

Make more money. Because if you work with me, I want you to make your investment back AND THEN SOME.

Empowerment Coach

Erica S.,

Founder & CEO

Michelle J.,

Grace V.,

Career Coach

Hello, World!


Designed for Soulpreneurs aspiring to build a Revolutionary Business grounded in their values & driven by a passion to share their mission with those who truly need their services.